[padb] Autoconf changes.

Ashley Pittman ashley at pittman.co.uk
Tue Dec 22 11:11:34 GMT 2009


As you'll have seen I've updated the padb sources to use autoconf for
building hopefully this will be a more familiar environment for people
to work in.

The bulk of the changes should be in now, at least the ones relating to
building but I still need to populate the NEWS and ChangeLog files, the
new build procedure shouldn't change again though.

The build procedure is documented in this file.  It's fairly simple,
after a update or fresh checkout simply run ./autogen.sh once to prepare
the tree and then use configure/make as is normal for autoconf projects.


For the mean time padb is still maintained as a single large source file
so for development none of this is necessary, it can still be run
in-tree without any modifications at all.  Personally I like this
feature and have found it useful so I'm hoping it'll stay but I can't
guarantee it in the long term.

Any questions or problems give me a shout.



Ashley Pittman, Bath, UK.

Padb - A parallel job inspection tool for cluster computing

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