[padb] [padb-devel] Simple Makefile patch

Ethan Mallove ethan.mallove at sun.com
Mon Nov 2 18:45:35 GMT 2009

On Mon, Nov/02/2009 06:00:25PM, Ashley Pittman wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-11-02 at 12:24 -0500, Ethan Mallove wrote:
> With any luck r312 should fix this.


  $ padb --debug=all --config-option rmgr=mpirun --full-report=27047
  DEBUG (config):   0: Finished setting configuration options
  padb version 3.n (Revision 312)
  full job report for job 27047

  DEBUG (pcmd):   1: Loaded pcmd data
  DEBUG (verbose):   1: There are 1 processes over 1 hosts
  DEBUG (verbose):   1: Remote process data available on frontend
  DEBUG (show_cmd):   1:  /home/em162155/software/SunOS/sparc/padb/bin/padb --inner
  DEBUG (signon):   2: Received last signon, connecting to inner
  DEBUG (ctree):   2: connection tree
  DEBUG (full_duplex):   2: Sending command to inner, 364 bytes
  DEBUG (full_duplex):   2: Reply from inner, 316 bytes
  DEBUG (full_duplex):   2: Sending command to inner, 64 bytes
  DEBUG (full_duplex):   3: Reply from inner, 384 bytes
  DEBUG (full_duplex):   3: Sending command to inner, 36 bytes
  DEBUG (tdata):   3: Target data
  Namespace: "ERROR"
      Error message from /home/em162155/software/SunOS/sparc/padb/bin/minfo.x: Could not find MPIR_dll_name symbol        [0]
  Namespace: "FOUND"
      yes [0]

  Warning: errors reported by some ranks
  [0]: Error message from /home/em162155/software/SunOS/sparc/padb/bin/minfo.x: Could not find MPIR_dll_name symbol
  DEBUG (full_duplex):   5: Reply from inner, 432 bytes
  DEBUG (full_duplex):   5: Sending command to inner, 472 bytes
  DEBUG (tdata):   5: Target data
  Namespace: "ERROR"
      Error message from /home/em162155/software/SunOS/sparc/padb/bin/minfo.x: Could not find MPIR_dll_name symbol        [0]
  Namespace: "FOUND"
      yes [0]

  Warning: errors reported by some ranks
  [0]: Error message from /home/em162155/software/SunOS/sparc/padb/bin/minfo.x: Could not find MPIR_dll_name symbol
  Total: 0 communicators, no communication data recorded.
  DEBUG (full_duplex):   6: Reply from inner, 1380 bytes
  DEBUG (full_duplex):   6: Sending command to inner, 28 bytes
  DEBUG (tdata):   6: Target data
  Namespace: ",main() at hello_c.c:18|var|argc"
      1   [0]
  Namespace: ",main() at hello_c.c:18|var|argv"
      0xffbfe2fc  [0]
  Namespace: ",main() at hello_c.c:18|var|rank"
      0   [0]
  Namespace: ",main() at hello_c.c:18|var|size"
      -4201432    [0]
  Namespace: "FOUND"
      yes [0]
  Namespace: "main() at hello_c.c:18|locals"
      rank,size   [0]
  Namespace: "main() at hello_c.c:18|params"
      argc,argv   [0]
  Namespace: "main() at hello_c.c:18|var_type|argc"
      int [0]
  Namespace: "main() at hello_c.c:18|var_type|argv"
      char **     [0]
  Namespace: "main() at hello_c.c:18|var_type|rank"
      int [0]
  Namespace: "main() at hello_c.c:18|var_type|size"
      int [0]

  DEBUG (tree):   6: Making the tree
  DEBUG (tree):   6: Enhancing the tree
  DEBUG (tree):   6: Formatting the tree
  DEBUG (tree):   6: Displaying the tree
  [0] (1 processes)
  main() at hello_c.c:18
          int     argc = '1' [0]
          char ** argv = '0xffbfe2fc' [0]
          int rank = '0' [0]
          int size = '-4201432' [0]
    [0] (1 processes)
    sleep() at ?:?
      ___nanosleep() at ?:?
  DEBUG (tree):   6: Done
  DEBUG (full_duplex):   6: Reply from inner, 84 bytes
  DEBUG (verbose):   6: Completed command

Here's the minfo.x debug log:

  $ cat /tmp/padb-minfo-debug-log-0-9oLDaj
  req: sym MPIR_dll_name
  ok 0xff1f9824
  zzz: str:35 dmsg
  Could not find MPIR_dll_name symbol
  zzz: str:3 exit


> -- 
> Ashley Pittman, Bath, UK.
> Padb - A parallel job inspection tool for cluster computing
> http://padb.pittman.org.uk

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