[padb-users] rmgr=orte is broken with openmpi 1.7

Ashley Pittman ashley at pittman.co.uk
Fri Dec 13 01:09:37 GMT 2013

On 10 Dec 2013, at 16:30, Dave Love <d.love at liverpool.ac.uk> wrote:

> In case it saves someone some time:  While checking padb with openmpi
> 1.7.3 I found it reported no jobs because orte-ps appears to be broken.
> Use mpirun instead.  I opened <https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/ticket/3963>.

I found this as well, orte-ps is crashing for me so padb cannot detect any jobs.

> Is there actually any advantage to using orte over mpirun, assuming it's
> working?

Yes.  orte should work from any node where the job is running (depending on orte-ps working) whereas mpirun will only work on the node where the mpirun process itself is.  Additionally, if you use orte the backend will be launched with orterun (by default) whereas with mpirun pdsh will be used so there may well be different startup performance.


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