[padb] PBS false positive

Dave Love d.love at liverpool.ac.uk
Mon Dec 6 10:36:38 GMT 2010

You wrote: 

> On 5 Dec 2010, at 19:08, Dave Love wrote:
>> A minor point, but the test for the PBS resource manager gives a false
>> positive in an SGE installation as it just looks for qstat on the path.
>> That's also an SGE command (maybe actually defined by the POSIX batch
>> system standard?).  If it helps to disambiguate them, the SGE version
>> invoked as `qstat -help' produces output whose first line starts with
>> `GE '.
> I suspected this would happen at some point, can you give me a list of
> binaries that SGE installs and I'll try and find a matching list for
> PBS and hopefully we can find a way of distinguishing them without
> having to start any processes, in case that isn't possible though
> could you send me some sample output as well.
> Ashley.

The binaries you can probably rely on being installed for relevant
versions are:  qacct qhost qmod qalter qsh qconf qping qstat qdel qquota

I guess the best way to distinguish SGE and PBS is to find a qstat
option that SGE doesn't support, like the -n that padb actually uses,
and try invoking it.  Here's the qstat help output, which you'll also
get for an unrecognized option.  I think it's SGE version-dependent
whether or not it appears on stdout or stderr.

  $ qstat -help
  GE 6.2u5
  usage: qstat [options]
          [-cb]                             view additional binding specific parameters
          [-ext]                            view additional attributes
          [-explain a|c|A|E]                show reason for c(onfiguration ambiguous), a(larm), suspend A(larm), E(rror) state
          [-f]                              full output
          [-F [resource_attributes]]        full output and show (selected) resources of queue(s)
          [-g {c}]                          display cluster queue summary
          [-g {d}]                          display all job-array tasks (do not group)
          [-g {t}]                          display all parallel job tasks (do not group)
          [-help]                           print this help
          [-j job_identifier_list ]         show scheduler job information
          [-l resource_list]                request the given resources
          [-ne]                             hide empty queues
          [-pe pe_list]                     select only queues with one of these parallel environments
          [-q wc_queue_list]                print information on given queue
          [-qs {a|c|d|o|s|u|A|C|D|E|S}]     selects queues, which are in the given state(s)
          [-r]                              show requested resources of job(s)
          [-s {p|r|s|z|hu|ho|hs|hd|hj|ha|h|a}] show pending, running, suspended, zombie jobs,
                                            jobs with a user/operator/system/array-dependency hold, 
                                            jobs with a start time in future or any combination only.
                                            h is an abbreviation for huhohshdhjha
                                            a is an abbreviation for prsh
          [-t]                              show task information (implicitly -g t)
          [-u user_list]                    view only jobs of this user
          [-U user_list]                    select only queues where these users have access
          [-urg]                            display job urgency information
          [-pri]                            display job priority information
          [-xml]                            display the information in XML-Format
  pe_list                  pe[,pe,...]
  job_identifier_list      [job_id|job_name|pattern]{, [job_id|job_name|pattern]}
  resource_list            resource[=value][,resource[=value],...]
  user_list                user|@group[,user|@group],...]
  resource_attributes      resource,resource,...
  wc_cqueue                wildcard expression matching a cluster queue
  wc_host                  wildcard expression matching a host
  wc_hostgroup             wildcard expression matching a hostgroup
  wc_qinstance             wc_cqueue at wc_host
  wc_qdomain               wc_cqueue at wc_hostgroup
  wc_queue                 wc_cqueue|wc_qdomain|wc_qinstance
  wc_queue_list            wc_queue[,wc_queue,...]

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