[padb-users] configuration file format.

Ashley Pittman ashley at pittman.co.uk
Tue Nov 23 08:03:02 GMT 2010

On 23 Nov 2010, at 08:02, Jie Cai wrote: 
> Yes, I do mean backend launch mode.

You can set this as any other configuration option, file-based, environment based or command line.

>> http://code.google.com/p/padb/source/detail?r=407
>> You can set the launch_mode but not the mode in the configuration file.  I only added the launch_mode option a few weeks ago and hadn't spotted the naming conflict so I could re-name this to backend_launch_mode if it would clear up any confusion.
> I saw in the latest HEAD, that pdsh only works for number of hosts < 128.

This is based on the pdsh documentation that claims to run out of FDs for large node counts, this could be a hangover from when pdsh used rsh connections rather than spawning ssh processes though.

> How to actually switch on rmgr launch_mode?

This should be on and in preference to pdsh by default, if you are using pbs though then the resource manager doesn't provide it's own launch mechanism so pdsh is the only option currently.

An option I'm looking at is clustershell which starts the remote processes in a tree formation so avoids this problem, the new launch_mode should allow easy integration of new remote shell tools but I've not had time to experiment yet.




Ashley Pittman, Bath, UK.

Padb - A parallel job inspection tool for cluster computing

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